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Dudley Shoals Elementary

Home of the Eagles

Safety Patrol

Requirements for Safety Patrol Participation:

  • The student must be in 5th grade.
  • Grades:  C average with no D's
  •  In addition to meeting scholastic requirements, recommendations are based on worthy and commendable attitude.
  • The student must be a good role model and a person who enjoys helping others, in addition to being attentive and alert to safety issues.
  • The student must be reliable and dependable to be able to keep to schedule.
  • The student must have a good attendance/tardy/early departure record through their tenure at DSES.
  • If any faculty, staff, parent or student raises a concern about a safety patrol student in the carrying out of his/her duties or otherwise, this concern will be brought before the Safety Patrol Committee.

Two female students standing on a sidewalk in front of cars

Safety Patrol

Our student safety patrol assists in the safe movement of students upon arrival at school in the morning. They also surpervise the DSES Morning Walking Club.

  • Student opening a car door
  • Student in reflective vest standing in front of a door
  • Male student standing on sidewalk beside a car